Sunday, March 19, 2006

I'll get you, LA Marathon, and your little dog too!

It's that time of year again! That time when Los Angelinos put aside their differences and join together in the common cause of trapping a select group of residents in their homes.

Within the trapped community, residents drive around aimlessly, asking traffic cops for directions, looking for an opening, but finding only despair. That and joggers.

All of this is old news, of course. I was trapped by the LA Marathon on this very day last year. What's new is my discovery that the course of the LA Marathon resembles a Scottish Terrier. Think about it and I think you'll agree, this is a significant find. [NOTE: This is an abridged version of this blog entry. The original version included a good deal more discussion about hummus, matza, and the documentary, "the Aristocrats."]

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